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        1. reback
        2. Azaka hops

          Release time:2022-02-19 09:23    Views

          Aza card

          Azaca is a new and excellent hop launched in 2014 by the Dwarf Hop Association of America. It is named ADHA483 after the God of Agriculture in Haiti. It has a double blood azacarboxyformic acid content of 14.0-16.% from The Northern brew and an American dwarf hop Samet. The nose is dominated by a delicate and fresh blend of citrus, mango and pineapple, with distinct hints of pine and woody fruits (apple and pear). Other confirmed aromas "pineapple, papaya, orange, grapefruit, lemon, grass, etc., can play a role in the variety of hop aroma types in dry beer.

          About boiling: when azakas are added in the middle and late stages of boiling, hop aroma can be perfectly integrated into beer, which has a very obvious improvement effect on the intensity and type of hop aroma.

          About dry casting: the superior geranyene content makes it a very suitable hop for dry casting. As soon as it was released, azaca became the new favorite of American mugwort with its outstanding aroma. With Eldrado in turbid IPA, it is a very classic combination.


          Conventional indicators

          Alpha acid


          Beta acid


          The ketone of humulus scandens


          The total oil


          The aroma components



          Humulus scandens ene




          Fanny ene
